About Our Club
We are a friendly group of agility enthusiasts that
Who We Are
Contact Zonies is an agility club organized to promote this dog sport in the Valley. We started as the first club in Phoenix in 1992. We are named after the painted areas at the ends of some equipment – the “contact zone”.
Contact Zonies welcomes students who are training for competition and those training just for fun. The most important requirements are that you want to spend quality time with your dog and are interested in learning about the sport of Dog Agility. Agility is a team sport – you are the coach and leader of the team.
All training is done in a positive manner with food, toys, and praise. Corrections are not allowed. There are no “NO’s” in agility. It is our desire to insure that each dog and owner has a positive training experience. It is recommended that your dog respond to basic commands such as come, sit, down, and stay.
A dog’s age is not a criteria for acceptance into the classes, overall health is more important. Puppies under the age of 1 year may be accepted on a per case basis. All breeds and mixed breeds are accepted.
For more information and registration information contact: Beth Poppre at registercontactzonies@gmail.com.
2024-25 Board
President |
Chris Hill |
Vice President |
Annie DeChance |
Secretary |
Carol Urban |
Treasurer |
Kelly Horton |
Site Manager |
Gail Williams |
Training Director |
Beth Poppre |
Membership |
Lisa Hanard |
Equipment Director |
Devora Locke |
Field Rental |
Jana Leitner |
Webmaster |
Jill Schuch |